Monday, April 1, 2024

Ghost dogs


Ghost dogs

Ghosts of every dog
who ever owned you
fetch you from your bed
to lead you unleashed
through moonless forest.

Ghost dogs pause
to study scat of bobcat,
blossom of possum,
suit of love-struck newt.
Four-footed cannonballs
boom through brush
chasing a rabbit
who always escapes
and dogs ask with shiny eyes
Why won’t you help?

Senses enhanced to canine pitch
you hear footsteps of spiders on the hunt
snores of squirrels cuddled in nests
heartbeat of snake
spooky silence of owl
as pant-pant-panting
tongue flap-flap-flapping
you gallop with spirits
who can smell your fatigue.

Yes they will guide you home,
they will replenish your water,
they pour kibbles of comfort,
a bowl for your soul.
Unseen they will curl on your bed.
Unconditional, they love you still.


First published in The Wild Word
photo by Martin Tajmr

I woke from a dream that all my old dogs had come for me. At first I thought I must be dead. But it was a reunion of spirits. There are joys that we feel down to our bones. Such a blessing when they return, if only in dreams.

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