Sunday, August 27, 2023

Boy, Almost Six


Boy, Almost Six

You are five or as you say, almost  six.
You have a toolbox
    like me.
You read books in bed
    like me.
You even make up poems
    like me.
I am thirty-five which is almost forty.
I wish I could cry
    like you
and scream at people when I'm angry
    like you
and heal my wounds with a blanket
    like you.
With your eyes through which
    I am learning to see,
take in our redwood mountains,
    our blackberry hills,
    quick squirrels.
Brake for them, please, when you drive
    when you're sixteen, which is almost
Learn to love moss
    and fat spiders.
Feel the fungus feeding on decay.
I am rotting, my son, as you feed on me
    and I would have it
        no other way.



From my book Son of a Poet

47 years ago my first child was born.
When I first saw him, first touched him, a glow began inside my body. Still feel it. Shortly after he was born, I crossed the age of 30. Small pains, small limits, began inside my body. Then larger. Before my son’s sixth birthday, I wrote the poem: “Boy, Almost Six,” and took the photo you see here.
Now I am 76, which is almost 90. Now that boy has a child, almost eleven, and another, almost nine. Life is almost a circle, always a miracle.


  1. Very poignant poems about your adopted town. La Honda, my boyhood home until leaving in 1977 for college. My brother's Memorial garden remains at the local school, planted inch by inch, and with love, by our mother.

    1. I bought my cabin in La Honda in 1978, so I just missed you. I'll pay my respects to your brother's memorial garden. Good to know about it.

    2. You being a fan of Steinbeck, you would enjoy the novel "The Tortilla Curtain" by hippy-adjacent author TC Boyle. He's very active and smart-friendly on Twitter for fans and fellow artists (famous, or not...). @tcboyle --Russ

    3. I think I'd like to go / Back home / Where it's cool / And breezy

      -- Neil Young, Impromptu '70's shindig at Boots & Saddle

      Carry On...

    4. Neil is leaving breadcrumbs for you to follow...


Hi folks

 For a few years now I've been posting my poetry on Facebook (and made many friends in the process). Now I want to be more widely availa...